Monday, December 20, 2010

Gokusen Anime

Genre: Shoujo, Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life
2004 Kozueko Morimoto (mangaka), Yasuko Kobayashi (screenplay), Masami Sato (director), Madhouse Studios, NTV, VAP.

Gokusen DVDs
Gokusen Art and Manga
Gokusen Original Soundtrack
Gokusen Fashion
Gokusen Shop Product Description:
Kumiko Yamaguchi is the heir of the Oedo Yakuza family, but it's her dream to teach the youth of Japan. She puts aside her yakuza cunning and takes up the role of a normal air-headed graduate, landing a high-school teaching job. Now Kumiko is determined to understand the teen-age mind, teach higher math and maybe carry on a little romance. Of course, there’s always the danger of her slavishly loyal army of brutal hit men murdering the students who misbehave.

(13 episodes)

More! More! More!>>> by skysenshi
Everything I wrote in my review of Gokusen's manga version still rings true with this one. Needless to say, I have a long-standing love affair with this series, whether it be with the comics, live-action (only for the first season) and now with this.

I actually had to check how old the anime TV version was, just to see how far into the manga this would go. I'd say it's halfway through. What I like about the animated version is that it highlighted many of the manga's interesting parts without needing to be 100% faithful. There are slight alterations in terms of plot -- some episodes intertwine instances that were not even close to each other when it comes to manga chronology -- but I actually liked how these are done because they still somehow remain true to how the original story runs. It even hints at the Shin-Kumiko-Shinohara love angle, which had only been touched at the end credits of the live-action series. Great storytelling job right there!

I'd like to watch more of this, onegai!

I really hope they animate the last half of the manga, including the specials, because those were the parts that have really accelerated in terms of entertainment value. I wouldn't mind seeing anime movies done for Gokusen. Really.


Individual Rating: Art/Animation 8; Story 10; Characters 10; Sounds 10

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